The victory batch is for 10th-class students from the ICSE Board by PhysicsWallah. In this post, I will share all the details about Victory 2024 and tell you the coupon code for the Extra Discount.

Victory Batch 2024 Coupon Code
You can use this exclusive coupon code:Ā LV150Ā for an extra discount.
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Use the above code for an Extra Discount

Details of Victory Batch
- This batch is only for 10th-class students from the ICSE board.
- They will cover Physics, Chemistry, Biology Maths, English, and SST.
- All lectures will be in recorded form.
- Pear to Pear doubt solving will be provided.
- Scheduled tests (Both Subjective and Objective) will be held according to the planner.
- Classes will be starting on 1st May 2023.
- The complete course will be accessible to all the students until June 2024.
- Your doubts and queries will be cleared by the Doubt Engine.
- You will also get PDF Notes for each class.
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
If you have any doubts related to the course after reading the following FAQs, Comment below. We will reply to you within 48 hours.
Victory Batch is for whom?
This batch is for those students who are targeting class Xth from the ICSE board.
Will the Victory Batch lecture be live or recorded?
All lectures will be recorded form.
Where will Victory Batch classes be on the app & YouTube?
Victory Batch Lectures will be only on the app of the PW and website ( ).
Where can we watch if we missed the Victory Batch lecture?
Go to theĀ Batch>Ā selectĀ subject>Ā you can see the dates of previous days of one week only. If you want to see older lectures then tap on theĀ āPrevious/ Classroom Contactsā Option>Ā You can findĀ all the topics there only>click on your topic you will get the videos and notes there.
What is Victory Batch PW?
The victory batch is for the 10th-class students from the ICSE Board.
Victory Batch Detailed Video
Victory Batch Classes Timing

Physics Wallah Coupons: Victory Batch 2024 (10th ICSE Boards)

Master your 10th ICSE Boards with PhysicsWallah's Victory Batch 2024.
Course Provider: Organization
Course Provider Name: PhysicsWallah
Course Provider URL: